Best Fish Tank Plants

tank plants

When you think of home aquariums, you probably think of the different kinds of fish for your tank. But, don’t forget about the different types of plants you can include in your tank too. Aquariums are an ecosystem of both fish and plants, and plants are a key part of any successful aquarium. Plants have a variety of uses. . They are spots for your fish to hide and feel safe. They’re good places for fish to lay eggs when they are breeding. And live plants are even used as a food source — both the plant itself and the algae that collects on them. So, having plants in your aquarium can be a very good thing. There are even self-cleaning aquariums available now that use fish poop to grow plants, proving that having plants and fish working together creates the perfect ecosystem.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some considerations you’ll want to think about before buying and adding plants to your home aquarium. And, we’ll check out the top 7 best fish tank plants that are perfect for beginners to fishkeeping, as well as for fishkeeping experts.

Things to Consider Before Buying Plants

Plants like fish require some care and maintenance when adding them to your aquarium. So, before you consider buying any plants, here are some things you’ll want to think about. Plants require light, nutrients, and C02, so you’ll want to make sure that your plants, along with your fish get plenty of light and nutrition. Plus, you’ll also want to do some regular maintenance on your plants. That means a bit of trimming and other care too. With this in mind, what do you do if you want plants but don’t want to spend too much time on caring for them? If this is the case, having artificial plants may be your best bet. They’ll make your tank look great and still provide the same types of benefits a live plant can without as much effort. Of course, it’s always good to add in live plants when you can. This article from the Times Online about the Benefits of Live Plants in a Home Aquarium will help you learn a bit more about why live plants are beneficial to a fish tank.

One other important note to think about when buying live plants for your aquarium is what to do with them if the plant isn’t working well in your aquarium? How do you dispose of them properly? You’ll want to make sure you check with your local aquarium clubs or stores to ask their recommendations. The reason why? Believe it or not, many live plants in aquariums are not native to countries like the U.S. and can actually be harmful to their non-native environments. Here’s an OK article from a local Minnesota news site explaining how dumping aquarium plants in a lake or river can actually be harmful.

The Top 7 Best Fish Tank Plants

Now that we know a bit more about the different types of plants and considerations for adding plants to a fish tank, let’s take a look at some of the best plants you can include in your home aquarium.

  • Java Moss: Looking for a live plant that’s virtually impossible to kill? Look no further than Java Moss. This low-maintenance plant is the most popular for aquariums. It’s beautiful, easy to take care of, and perfect for fish who are breeding and want to lay eggs in the moss.
  • Amazon Swords: These hardy plants are an extremely popular live plant. They are great for background in an aquarium, and fish do love to hide and swim among these plants. One word of warning. The amazon swords can grow quite tall, so you’ll want to make sure your fish tank is big enough to handle these plants.
  • Java Ferns: If you’re looking for a background live plant that’s a bit more manageable than the amazon sword, check out the java ferns. These low-maintenance plants have a unique design work well in most aquariums.
  • Anubias Nana: If you’re a beginner to home aquariums and looking for live plant that’s easy to take care of and maintain, anubias nana is the perfect plant for you. This plant doesn’t grow a lot and doesn’t require much extra care. Plus, it looks cool. Anubias nana actually produces oxygen bubbles that create a fun to look at atmosphere in your tank.
  • African Water Fern: Next to Java Moss, this is one of the easiest live plants to grow in an aquarium. Plus, it does well in most fish tank conditions, which makes it good for beginner fishkeepers.
  • Green Tiger Lotus: If you’re looking for a brightly colored plant, you’ll love the green tiger lotus, with its wide leaves and marks of red and green. Like most of the live plants we’ve mentioned here, it requires little maintenance and creates the perfect hiding spots for your fish.
  • Artificial Plants: Let’s face it, keeping a plant alive isn’t something everyone can do easily. If you don’t have a green thumb, why not consider an artificial plant? They look great and cost a fraction of the price. Plus, you don’t have to worry about upkeep, maintenance, or pesky issues like parasites and snails. And, your fish will enjoy them just as much as live plants too.

There are lots of reasons to consider adding plants to your aquarium. And choosing the best plants can help create a healthy ecosystem for your fish. These top 7 best fish tank plants will help get you on your way to an amazing home aquarium environment.